Import/Export Operators
There are two REST web services available to import and export operator data.
Import Operators
Input parameters:
- Operators.ZIP
- Site Name
Operators.ZIP can contain one or more folders. Each folder needs:
- OperatorId.json file
- Voice templates ZIP file that contains all the trained words of the operator
When importing a single operator, operatorId is the only parameter needed. No parameter is required when importing multiple operators.
Both new and existing operators can be created using REST.
Response codes
200 OK: import of all operators was successful
400 Bad Request: content of the ZIP file is invalid
207 Multi-Status: some operators were imported and some were not. The error message contains information for all operators that were not imported.
Export Operators
URL (single operator): http://serverip:port/VoiceCheck/services/operator/{operatorId}
where operatorId
is the login name of the operator; for example, operator tsmith
would be: http://serverip:port/VoiceCheck/services/operator/{tsmith}
URL (all operators): http://serverip:port/VoiceCheck/services/operators/
To export more than one operator, but not all operators, call the export single operator rest service n number of times.
Method: (GET), Content Type (application/json;charset=UTF-8)
Success: HTTP Status 200 with or without a body
Failure: the system returns an error
Result: A zip file containing the operator data.
Content and format of Import/Export files
The file must be in ZIP format. The ZIP file contains the same number of folders as there are operators. For instance: if five operators are being imported or exported, the zip file would contain five folders, one for each operator.
Each folder contains:
- An operator.json file: this file contains operator information including operator id, name, and email along with an encrypted password and access code. Example: ben.json
- A zip file that includes all templates for that operator. The name of the zip file is "" (Example:
- This zip file contains .bt2 files, which are template files for the operator
- Format for the name of .bt2 file would be "Language_operator_vocab.bt2" (For example: %en-US%_ben_alpha.bt2)